Welcome to queo

queo was founded in 2004. We have a wide portfolio of services, focusing on the agency business and software development. With over 200 employees at 6 locations.


Our brands

Away from the standard
Good software meets needs and creates resources. For us, it's an essential driver of value creation. At queo valueTec, it's all about customer-centric solutions.
To next level
Those aiming to improve communication understand their focus. queo next, our agency concentrate, merges customer journey and technology. It fosters dynamism and initiates changes.
Time to shine
We don't want to proceed without intolight when it comes to interactive installations. With our combined efforts, this specialized knowledge will no longer stay a niche.
Controlling and monitoring
Procunia supports us in numerous process issues. In turn, we support Procunia with the Group's services from HR to IT.
Social Engagement
Social Web macht Schule - and has therefore been on the road for years to support children, teachers and parents in the responsible use of social media.
Creative addition
Admoderate is an integral part of the group. The team operates fast and agile serving as a creative task force for digital projects in the SME sector.

About Us

We believe in the power of a common direction that unites us all and drives us forward. Planning together, finding solutions and learning from mistakes are central to the way we work. As an owner-managed company, we focus on change at the cutting edge, combined with responsibility for sustainable value creation.

More about us
Herbstbild eines Mischwaldes bei Nebel


Sustainability at queo? Quite clearly: Yes! Because it is the future for our team, our customers and the environment.

Towards sustainability
Zwei queo Mitarbeiterinnen stehen vor einer Wand mit ausgedruckten Entwürfen und diskutieren.

Career & Culture

Communication and technology – that is our field of tension. This is where we stick together, revitalise open spaces and break new ground. We are united by a strong culture of cohesion and diversity, with great respect for the expertise and strength of each individual queo.

Are you ready for new paths?
Ein etwa 30 jähriger Mann sitzt mit einem Laptop in der Sächsischen Schweiz auf einer Aussicht. Im Hintergrund sind die Schrammsteine und der Falkenstein zu sehen. Es ist Herbst. Die Sonne geht unter und Dunst liegt über dem Tal.

New Work

New Work is more than just a buzzword for us, it is the foundation of our corporate culture. We value the ability to change, agile working methods, hybrid working options and the integration of generative AI into everyday life. And we are convinced of the power of working together. Therefore: go your way with queo.